Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Homeschooling: The Week Before the First Day

Covid was the catalyst - but now I am excited to start homeschooling my kids. Could we do this forever?

I have been scouring the internet reading about different types of homeschooling, took quizzes to determine "What Type of Homeschooling is Right for [Me]," bought out the dollar store craft section, read curriculum reviews, read more curriculum reviews, and bought a curriculum. Then I second guessed the curriculum I bought, joined Facebook groups, left Facebook Groups, signed up for Teachers Pay Teachers, and second guessed everything again... third guessed? 

I know I am not the only person in our country going through this battle with the uncertainty of schools opening, school safety, and online learning. I know I am not the only person in my neighborhood for that matter! 

Here is what I know so far:

  • I have no idea what to expect.
  • I need to be flexible.

My boys are 7 and almost 5 and very different children with very different needs. I have been working hard to create our first week of school without our purchased curriculum (it was on back order, unsurprisingly) and I think it is a good way to ease into a whole new world. I am not totally comfortable with this unstructured beginning - and I never want my boys to fall behind their peers or later feel like I did them a disservice in their education.

We will start with curriculum learning but also follow the path of "unschooling" where we learn on adventures and in our garden, visiting museums, and learning music skills. We will cook more and play more. Our world is becoming our own and I think that I am finally feeling connected to the hippie mom I always wanted to be. 

Between now any Monday you will find me consuming as much Pinterest as possible. Please tell me if you have homeschooling tips that would help a first timer!

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