Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A Simple Connection: A Big Difference

A few months ago I was going through the Dairy Queen drive through, very much looking forward to my cool treat. I was wondering if my blizzard would indeed be upside down thick when the gal at the drive through window complimented my hair. While I didn't think it looked any different than normal, it really lit me up inside and made me smile.

That's when it occurred to me, if she said one nice thing about every person who went through her drive-thru that day, she could make each person smile. What an opportunity to make a difference to so many people. Then I thought, how can I implement this positive action in my own life?

I don't encounter many strangers in my normal work day. I see the same people day in and day out, but why not say something nice about them? I spend most my life with these people. "I love your shoes!" or "That band you told me to listen to was awesome!" How easy it is to say those things, yet, the monotony of our schedules can prevent us from saying, or noticing, these things. I also put this flyer up in our break room from The Compliment Project. Got a few takers.

Another opportunity I have taken advantage of is saying, "Good morning!" when I am walking to my office from the parking lot. There are landscapers, delivery drivers, security officers, and the like all around me. A simple greeting can easily change the day, if not for them, certainly for me.

Try it out! Instead of avoiding eye contact with a stranger, give them a smile, a compliment, or a greeting. Hopefully it will make someone (including you) a little happier today. You can also visit The Compliment Project to download and print your own flyers!

1 comment:

  1. I had a random encounter with a stranger once in which he offered me such a huge, genuine smile, he totally made my day. That was years ago, but I still remember it. I have tried since to spread that around, but it definitely pushes us outside of our social norm comfort zones. Worth it though!!
