Wednesday, May 3, 2017

5 Easy Steps to Crush Your Fitness Goals

Goal Setting: The SMART Way

Let's set the scene:

December 31st [insert year]….one last hoorah.

January 1st [insert year]…..perfect diet? Check. Workout plan? Check. Motivation? At an all-time high. NOTHING is going to stop you this year.

January 14th [insert year]….well, February 1st is right around the corner. As long as it falls on a Monday I’m good to go. I was hoping to lose 50lbs but 20lbs isn’t bad, right?

Sound familiar? As someone that has spent the better part of a decade in the fitness industry I can assure you of two things
  1. You aren’t alone
  2. It’s not entirely your fault

I’m going to teach you in a five easy steps how to set S.M.A.R.T goals and ensure that you crush them…whenever you’re next 365 days starts.

S – Specific. 
This is the difference maker. Don’t just say “I want to lose 20bs.” Break that shit down like this…”I’m going to lose 20lbs in the next 12 weeks.” Allow yourself to think about how you will feel, what you will be wearing, what time of day it will be, what it will mean to you….think down to the finest details, as far as your mind will allow you.

M- Measurable. 
We can’t truly measure feelings but we can measure inches, pounds, distance, etc. 
Make sure you can physically measure each milestone.

A – Attainable/Agreeable. 
What resources will you need to achieve your goals? Who is on your support team?

R – Realistic/Reasonable. 
This is where things can get dicey. While your goals should be high and even a bit scary, they should also be realistic. In other words, start with the 5k and work your way up to the 100-mile ultra-marathon.

T – Time. 
This wraps it all up. Set a time frame. I always recommend setting a big goal, medium range goal, and several short term goals. Think 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 weeks and tie it together with the bigger 6 month goal. As I always tell my clients, you have to lose 2lbs before you can lose 50lbs.

There you have it, the blueprint to your success. I’d say good luck but with your work ethic and this plan I’ll just say “congratulations on crushing your goals!”
This post comes from Kevin Scrima, a "father, husband, food enthusiast, personal trainer... order may be interchangeable depending on the day." Importantly, he has been a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) for over a decade and is a major nutrition freak. He is an entrepreneur and runs his own mobile fitness company (Nexus Fitness) where he brings tailored, functional fitness to his clients at their homes, park, or place of business. If you are in Boise, ID and looking for a great trainer and motivation, he's your guy. He's sarcastic and hilarious, and I look forward to his regular contributions to our "Wellness Wednesday" topics. 
Follow him on Instagram @kevin.nexusfitness
Follow him on Facebook @nexusfitnessllc


  1. I just spent a few hours sketching out my goals for the next six months, and piecing it up into smaller chunks, assigning small steps to specific weeks.... felt so good! I have a roadmap!

    1. I tried to do that on my flight home yesterday - but ended up making a huge master to-do list. I'm gonna have to break them down now.
